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  Nov 06, 2023

Yes, an Agent of a New York Power of Attorney Can Resign

An agent (also known as an attorney-in-fact) of a New York power of...

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  Oct 18, 2023

Transfer on Death Deed in New York? The Proposal Needs Better Statutory Language

New York lawmakers are considering proposing legislation that would allow transfer on death...

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  Sep 14, 2023

What Does It Mean When a Power of Attorney is "Durable"?

"Durable" is just one word (an adjective), but it explains why powers of attorney are so powerful and why they are an essential tool in every estate plan....

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  Jul 28, 2023

Your Power of Attorney Means Nothing to the Social Security Administration

"[I]f you have power of attorney for someone who is incapable of managing his or her own benefits, you must still apply to serve as his or her payee," says the SSA....

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  Feb 09, 2023

David Goldfarb on Effecting Legislative Change in New York

Good work is being done by lawyers on a volunteer basis countless times across the United States, but we rarely learn about it....

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  Dec 17, 2022

Good News: Gov. Hochul Vetoed NY Power of Attorney Bill Requiring Notice to Co-Trustee or Co-Beneficiary

New Yorkers should continue to oppose the proposed law....

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  Jun 09, 2022

NY Power of Attorney: Bill Requiring Notice to Co-Trustee or Co-Beneficiary Passes Legislature, But Has Serious Problems!

The new law would literally be a breaking development as it is unworkable....

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  Feb 11, 2022

When to Update Your Estate Plan

At least every five years and after circumstances change....

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