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🔑Premium Content

  34 posts

The posts below have content that is exclusive for paid subscribers. In addition to exclusive insight, there are sample forms. This library for paid subscribers will continue to grow.

  Apr 24, 2024

🔑 Form: New York Order Directing Issuance of Preliminary Letters Testamentary

Below is a sample order directing issuance of preliminary letters testamentary. Staff at...

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  Mar 10, 2024

🔑Trustee's Duty of Impartiality

🚧 Under Construction...

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  Mar 05, 2024

🔑Standard for a Contested Accounting Proceeding in New York

This post gives the standard for a contested accounting proceeding in New York...

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  Jan 17, 2024

🔑 Uniform Trust Code (UTC) - Excerpts and Notes

🚧 Under Construction...

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  Dec 20, 2023

🔑 NY EPTL 10-9.1 Revocability of a power of appointment

In New York, EPTL 10-9.1 governs the revocability of a power of...

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  Dec 19, 2023

🔑 Prior New York Law: Real Property Law § 144 - Revocability of Powers of Appointment

Current 🔑EPTL 10-9.1 Revocability of a power of appointment is based on...

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  Nov 05, 2023

🔑 Sample Affidavit of Comparison in New York Probate

Here is a sample Affirmation of Comparison in a New York Probate from...

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