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Medicaid Planning

  7 posts

Necessary planning for middle-class Americans since Medicare does not cover the cost of long-term care.

  Sep 27, 2023

New York Community Medicaid Lookback Delayed: Implementation Not Expected Until 2025

We are following up on our previous post from April 28, 2023, informing...

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  Nov 29, 2022

Complimentary Forum for Seniors on 12/1/2022 at Restoration Plaza, Brooklyn, NY

The event will be packed with professionals who work with the elderly and are going to provide useful tips....

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  May 17, 2022

Complimentary Webinar: 27th Annual Elder Law Forum, Covering New York Medicaid Updates

It is scheduled for May 19, 2022, from 8:30 AM - 3:00 PM EDT....

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  Apr 02, 2022

What Is a Callable Certificate of Deposit?

As interest rates rise, will this type of investment become popular?...

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  Mar 30, 2022

Confirmation: Start Date for New York Community Medicaid Lookback is On Hold

There is no timeline for the implementation....

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  Mar 30, 2022

Chaos in Confirming Start Date for New York Community Medicaid Lookback

Short answer: No one knows at this time whether the start date of April 1, 2022 will be extended again....

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  Feb 12, 2022

"I Love You" Will Might Not Show Love to Surviving Spouse

While an "I love you" will is appealing because of its simplicity, it has downsides....

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