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  Sep 17, 2023

What Is the Art of Estate Planning and Will Drafting?

In New York Will Drafting - Fundamentals, Carl T. Baker locates the art...

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  Jul 24, 2023

🔑 New York: No Requirement that a Will Must Be Dated to Be Duly Executed

New York law does not require the will to be dated. Matter of...

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  May 17, 2022

Record Confirmatory Deed for Specific Devise in NY, Suggests Daniel Reiter in Lawline CLE

NY lawyers don't have to rely on an executor's deed for a specific devise. There is a better tool!...

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  Feb 18, 2022

Article Discusses Texas Wills Issues (and More Footnotes!)

Article on Texas wills issues leads to fun with footnotes....

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  Feb 13, 2022

Share the Location of Your Will, or It Will Be Worthless

If you are safekeeping your will, then you must tell someone where it can be found....

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  Feb 12, 2022

"I Love You" Will Might Not Show Love to Surviving Spouse

While an "I love you" will is appealing because of its simplicity, it has downsides....

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