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Our expanding list of resources.

  Jul 15, 2023

🔑 Log

We update this website frequently, often several times a day. Most updates are "behind the scenes" additions or revisions to the Glossary or Headlines. Paid Members can view our update log....

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  Jun 30, 2023

New York Bills: 2023-2024 Legislative Session

💡Below is a list of legislation that is introduced in the New York...

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  Nov 21, 2022

🔑NY L&T: Stipulation Can Convert Nonpayment Proceeding Into Holdover Proceeding

In New York, a petitioner and respondent can convert a nonpayment summary proceeding...

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  Sep 29, 2022

🔑 Outline

🚧 Under Construction: The field of wills, trusts, and estates is vast. Imagine having an outline. That's the goal for this page. Paid Subscribers can get an early preview and see the progress of this project as it develops....

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  Feb 10, 2022


We update this glossary frequently....

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